PROFIL | Premium Anti Aging & Brightening Formula


Anti Aging Potential Effects: Regular collagen intake have anti aging effects, addressing various signs of aging and anti wrinkle skin. CoQ10 helps reduce wrinkles and supports healthy skin, offering anti aging benefits. Proanthocyanins present in...

tablets: 30 tab

30 tab
  • Anti Aging Potential Effects: Regular collagen intake have anti aging effects, addressing various signs of aging and anti wrinkle skin.
  • CoQ10 helps reduce wrinkles and supports healthy skin, offering anti aging benefits.
  • Proanthocyanins present in grape seed extract and polyphenols present in Green Tea Extract, support profil platinum action of maintaining tissue health by scavenging free radicals, and ultimately helping in slowing down the premature aging.
  • Premium Necessary Nutrient Blend For Beauty & Healthy skin:It contains essential nutrients including vitamin B complex and vitamin E acting as anti oxidants for maintenance and promotion of healthy skin and Collagen support gets a boost in action by presence of vitamin C.
  • It contains ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) which supports the body's defense system to neutralize free radicals production in the body. 
  • It also helps to recycle Vitamin C and E by enhancing their activities ultimately providing maximum antioxidant support. 



  • Collagen have Anti Aging effects on skin.
  • Reduce wrinkles and supports healthy skin.
  • Maintain tissue health by scavenging free radicals.
  • Slows down premature aging. 
  • Supports body defense system in neutralize free radicals production.
  • Recycle vitamin C & E to provide maximum antioxidant support.

Supplements  Value:


collagen supplements facts


Directions to use:

Take 1 or 2 Tablets as supportive supplement. Take with juice or water. Do not exceed the recommended intake. It can be continued for as long as required.